What's New in Version November 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015 by Alexander Huber

The new version November 2015 (1.42) is downwards compatible to version March 2013 (1.10) and later. You can use all of these versions in a single account simultaneously. 

This month we focused on bringing time cockpit's Excel importer to the HTML 5 web client. Users are now able to import data using existing time cockpit import definitions. The next step will be to bring the elaborate import definition designer to the web.

It is true, there are other ways to load data into time cockpit which are fancier (see OData Web API). But if you need a pragmatic but powerful way that most users can relate to, you might consider the time cockpit Excel importer for import tasks. Here are the advantages of the built-in importer at a glance:

  • Excel is a quite common data exchange format. Excel files and the corresponding import definitions are self-describing and thus easy to understand.
  • The importer requires no programming/scripting skills. Users can perform import tasks themselves.
  • The importer is a standard interface that lets you import any data you like to manage in time cockpit. No dedicated import jobs interfaces to be developed.
  • Result logs of past imports are stored historically.

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