What's New in Version March 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014 by Karin Huber

The new version March 2014 (1.22) is downwards compatible to version March 2013 (1.10) and later. You can use all of these versions in a single account simultaneously.


In the last quarter of 2013 we started to add first reporting features to time cockpit. This month we are glad to announce that you are now able to build your own reports with Microsoft Reporting Services and view them in time cockpit.

Reporting - Revenue per Month

This feature is still BETA and will be enhanced during the next versions, but we would be happy if you already start using the feature and give us feedback. Let us know what you are missing to build meaningful reports for your company. Please send your questions and feedback to support@timecockpit.com.

Learn how to build custom reports in time cockpit ...

List and Reports Brought Together

If you wanted to export a list as PDF, Excel or word you had to first click on Print in the Ribbon to open the preview in the application. Only then, you were able to open the report as PDF, Excel or Word. In the new version we have brought together the list and the print view. You can either open the print preview or you can directly open the desired file.

Print View


The reports should now open faster in the full client, as we do not reload all data for the report anymore when the list is already loaded. This applies for the preview in the application as well as for opening the PDF, Excel or Word.

Collapsible Filter Area in Lists

The filter area in lists has been collapsible for a long time, but the button was very unobtrusive and hard to click, because it was so small. In the new version we have made the button larger and easier to click. Additionally, we have added the shortcut CTRL + T (only full client), so you can easily collapse the filter area when your need more space for the list result.

Expanded Filter

When the filter is collapsed, we still show all used filter values in one line, so that you always know which data is included in the list result.

Collapsed Filter

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