What's New in Version February 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 by Karin Huber

The new version February 2017 (1.51) is downwards compatible to version March 2013 (1.10) and later. You can use all of these versions in a single account simultaneously.


This month our main goal was to make your signal data you have collected with the Full Client available in the HTML5 Client. Additionally, we have made improvements and bug fixes for the HTML5 Client as well as for the Full Client.

HTML5 Client

Full Client



We have added most of the signal data features of the Full Client to the HTML5 Client. Green and yellow bars next to the time sheet entries indicate booked and unbooked time. The bars on the right side show you how much time you have spent with different applications, window titles or to which LAN you were connected.

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Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Headers in fixed width columns now use line breaks.
  • The default view and format can now also specified in menu items, not only in hyperlinks.
  • Forms can now be edited faster after opening them.
  • Exception handling and logging has been improved.
  • FIX: NumberFormatPattern in Lists was not considered in Cells with IsVisible expressions.
  • FIX: Impersonation did not work for reports (PDF, Excel and Word) and for clearing the cache.
  • FIX: Expressions for which time sheet form to choose in the time sheet calendar, now also work for time sheet templates.
  • FIX: Parameters in BackReferenceTabs are now working.

Full Client

Changes in the List “Budgetary Control of Tasks”

  • The list’s filter section was extended with a new filter called "Include Closed Projects". Until now, time sheets on closed projects have always been displayed. From now on, you can choose whether or not to display time sheets on closed projects.
  • We changed the behavior of the existing filter "Only Tasks with Unbilled Time Sheet Entries". If this filter was deactivated, only tasks with time sheets were displayed. Now, it also displays tasks without time sheets.

Changes in the List “Budgetary Control of Projects”

The column "Revenue" is renamed to "Revenue by Time Sheets". Furthermore, we changed the calculation of this column. Until now, all working hours were used to calculate the revenue. From now on, only billable working hours are used.

Changes in the List to Check Working Time Violations

From version February 2017, active travel time will also be considered by the check for break times. Until now active travel time was not included in the summation of working hours to check break times. A general introduction to this topic can be found in the article "Active and Passive Travel Time for Working Time Limits"

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