Video: Introduction to OData Web APIs

Thursday, June 5, 2014 by Rainer Stropek

REST is a great standard for accessing resources on the web. However, REST is also a very generic standard. If you want to publish REST-based web services for accessing a structured data store like a relational database, you will end up inventing you own custom protocols on top of REST. Enter OData. OData is based on REST but adds necessary standards for fully fledged data APIs. Metadata, URI-based query language, standardized data representation formats (JSON and XML), OData has it all.

This video is a recording of a talk that Azure MVP Rainer Stropek gave at the JavaScript Day on the International PHP Conference in Berlin 2014. In his talk, Rainer introduces you to the OData standard. He shows how to build OData services with .NET and how to consume them. Rainer also demonstrates existing, large-scale OData services available in the cloud.

Did you know that our own product time cockpit offers a great OData implementation, too? You can get a trial account on our homepage.

Note that this is an introduction to OData. If you have never used OData and you wonder whether it is relevant for you, this talk could be interesting for you. If you are looking more in-depth material, check out Rainer’s blog at

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Rainer Stropek

Rainer Stropek

Co-founder, architect, developer


I am co-founder and CEO of the company software architects and have been serving this role since 2008. At software architects my team and I are developing the award-winning SaaS solution time cockpit. Previously, I founded and led IT consulting firms that worked in the area of developing software solutions based on the Microsoft technology stack.

In my work I focus on .NET development and software architecture. I have written some books and articles on C#, database development, Windows Azure, Windows 8 development, WPF, and Silverlight. Regularly I speak at conferences, do workshops and conduct trainings in Europe and the US. Since 2010 I have been MVP for Windows Azure.

I graduated the Higher Technical School Leonding (AT) for MIS with honors and hold a BSc (Hons) Computer Studies of the University of Derby (UK).


Twitter: @rstropek
