Time Cockpit Blog - Simon Opelt

In our very successfull webinar this morning we were asked by an attendee if it is possible to import phone calls from a mobile network provider's itemized call list. We really liked the idea (thanks grasgruen.it) and decided to create a prototype/proof of concept implementation of such an import using IronPython, our own SDK and third party APIs.  Read more ...

Up until (and including) our beta 2 release time cockpit used IronPython 2.4 for executing scripts. When creating complex scripts we often had to iterate over collections and check for certain conditions or concatenate collections of strings. Whenever possible we try to solve such tasks using TCQL when selecting the source data from the data layer to pass most of the work on to the database.  Read more ...


Simon Opelt

Simon Opelt

Senior Software Developer

profile for Simon at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers


