Time Cockpit Blog

Project completed, application shipped - but customer isn't happy with the performance. What now? At the German BASTA 2015 conference I will do two sessions about performance optimization in .NET applications. In this blog article I share the slides and links to my samples.  Read more ...

Spring time is BASTA time :-) For many years I have had the possibility to open the German BASTA conference with a full-day C# workshop on Monday. This year I will focus on C# 6 news, Roslyn, and related NuGet "gold" nuggets. In this blog article I share my slides and code samples with you.  Read more ...

In the last months I looked at Docker from a software development perspective. The results can be read in the current issue of the German Windows Developer magazine and in a Channel9 video.  Read more ...

In this blog article I summarize important links you will need when building a lab environment for demonstrating ADAL, ADFS & Co.  Read more ...

At OOP 2015 conference, I will do a session about ALM in the cloud. As always I try to show mostly practical samples instead of boring slides. In this blog post I summarize the talk and reference important resources that I will mention.  Read more ...

In my GitHub Samples repository I share all my newer samples and slide decks for trainings and workshops. In the last days I added new samples on Windows Installer XML (WiX) and updated Readme so the samples are easier to understand.  Read more ...

At IT-Visions' .NET InfoDay 2015 in Graz, my friend Roman Schacherl and I will do a session about new features in C# 6. In this blog article I summarize the content of the talk and make the sample available for download.  Read more ...

Recently I did a WiX (Windows Installer XML) and MSI training at a customer in Germany. One of the questions I got asked was how to deliver large MSI installers efficiently to customers via web. The goal was to minimize download time. In this blog article I describe a possible approach.  Read more ...

This week I will do another one of my Windows Installer XML (WiX) trainings in Germany. In this blog article I summarize the prerequisites that participants need in order to follow along the samples.  Read more ...

I have already posted an end-to-end sample showing Visual Studio "Monaco" with TypeScript and AngularJS in the past. For an event in Graz (Austria) I created an additional sample showing how to use Git, Grunt, and Jasmine unit testing with "Monaco".  Read more ...