Time Cockpit Blog - Karin Huber

This month we have added a feature which allows you to hide the signal details area in the calendar. Additionally, there are improvements for exceptions in actions.  Read more ...

This month you will find various improvements and bug fixes in the HTML5 Client and in the Full Client. In the Full Client one major improvement is the editor for triggers. In the HTML5 Client we have added support for BooleanRadioButtonCells.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on improving the performance of validating and saving data as well as loading combo box values. Additionally, we have changed the way data can be selected in grids.  Read more ...

This month our main goal was to make your signal data you have collected with the Full Client available in the HTML5 Client. Additionally, we have made improvements and bug fixes for the HTML5 Client as well as for the Full Client.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on improving the performance of some common scenarios like modifying time sheet entries in the calendar and scrolling in lists. For that, we have made lots of improvements and bug fixes to provide a good performance in all modern browsers.  Read more ...

This month we have worked closely with some of our customers who plan to switch to the HTML5 client to make sure that all their time cockpit customizations also work in the HTML5 client. For that, we have made lots of improvements and bug fixes. Additionally, we now allow to authenticate with time cockpit by using the hybrid flow of OpenID Connect.  Read more ...

In September, we primarily worked on extending time cockpit's working time violation check functions. In the past, it was already possible to use a global setting to specify whether travel time is counted as working time. This setting will be replaced with a new, more powerful functionality that allows you to distinguish active and passive travel time when evaluating working time violations. In the HTML5 client we added a possibility to reset your password without having to go to time cockpit's website.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on combo boxes in the HTML5 client. There were still three features missing from the full client: lookup lists, configuration of the number of items and adding and editing items. In the new version we have added the first two of them: lookup lists and configurable number of items.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on improving the project controlling features of time cockpit. We have created a new list for monitoring project status on task level. It shows you the booked hours, remaining hours and hours to bill for each task. To make life easier when creating new time sheet entries, we have introduced a closed flag for tasks to reduce the number of items in the tasks combo box. With BackReferenceCells in forms a relatively new feature from the full client made it into the web client. And finally, we could fix performance problems with reports in the HTML5 client this month.  Read more ...

More and more users are using the new HTML5 client of time cockpit. We love that :-) To smoothen the transition, we did a lot of polishing in the HTML5 user interface this month. Examples are better keyboard handling, better performance of the forms engine and auto-sizing of grid columns. In this blog article we describe all enhancements that we rolled out this month.  Read more ...