Time Cockpit Blog - Karin Huber

This month we have put our focus on these two topcis: handling time-off in the time tracking calendar and better usibility of lists. You do not need to leave the time tracking calendar anymore to manage time off like vacation or sick leave. In lists you now have much better grouping functionality, especially when dates are affected.  Read more ...

This month we have mainly focused on two topics: date / time input and extensibility of the HTML5 client. The improvements for date and time input are ready to use in the new version. There are lots of shortcuts now to enter date and time values. Making time cockpit ready for your extensions will take us another month until we are ready to ship this feature - then you will be able to add your own HTML5 apps to the time cockpit menu.  Read more ...

In the new version we have focused on two topics. First, we have improved the working time report by adding overtime and remaining vacation entitlement. Second, we have extended the Office 365 integration with the HTML5 time sheet calendar by sent emails.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on improving the behavior of lists in the HTML5 client. We added full-text search and significantly improved the grouping behavior. In the full client, we fixed some issues regarding data synchronization and Outlook integration.  Read more ...

This month we continued our work on time cockpit's HTML5 client. We added back reference tabs in forms and made navigation in the main menu easier. In addition to that advances in the web client, we fixed issues related to reporting in time cockpit' full client. In this blog article we describe this month's improvements in more details.  Read more ...

We have lots of new features and improvements in time cockpit this month: A new feature for monitoring working time violations, lots of enhancements in the HTML5 preview including full support for reports, and a bunch of performance optimizations for Full and HTML5 client.  Read more ...

This month we have added a much requested feature to the HTML5 time tracking calendar: creating new time sheet entries with drag & drop.  Read more ...

May has been the second month in a row where we focused our development efforts predominantly on the new HTML5 time tracking calendar. We think the calendar has reached a state where it provides real value even for productive time booking. Give it a try, we would love to hear your feedback.  Read more ...

This month we have focused mainly on the new HTML5 time tracking calendar and we are happy that we can provide a first version that allows you to view time sheet entries colored by formatting profile and to add, edit and delete time sheet entries.  Read more ...

Like most people, I have often been struggling with my email inbox. From time to time I tried to catch up with inbox but within days I reached the same mess as before. Finally, the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen was the trigger to change my habits. There was one advice that changed my way of working: Free your mind and collect everything externally.  Read more ...