Time Cockpit Blog - Karin Huber

In the HTML5 Client we have added support for a large number of advanced configuration options for lists, forms and cells. The list of not fully supported features is still long but lists and forms are becoming more and more usable even for more complex customer scenarios.  Read more ...

In HTML5 the new <svg> element was introduced. It allows you to embed SVG graphics in html. You can build really cool things with svg - from fancy looking interactive charts to games running in the browser. But what if you just want to draw a straight 1px line? Well, that's not that easy. I got lots of different results for different browsers.  Read more ...

HTML does not support tri-state checkboxes by default. There is an indeterminate attribute to indicate that the value is undefined but there is no way to set a checkbox back to indeterminate through the user interface once it has been checked or unchecked. The following sample shows how to build an AngularJS directive for a tri-state checkbox with TypeScript.  Read more ...

This month we have put our focus on better error diagnostics and minor improvements in the time sheet calendar. It has become much easier to send us your log files, performance for booking with time sheet templates has been improved, signal lanes are highlighted, etc.  Read more ...

Time cockpit got a new log file format which makes troubleshooting much easier. Additionally, we extended our implementation of script source lists to get enable optimizations in time cockpit's web client.  Read more ...

This month we are announcing the next important step in our movement towards HTML and JavaScript: We present the first public preview of time cockpit's OpenID Connect endpoint for authentication and authorization. Additionally we have improved validation consistency and disabled SSL 3.0 support to prevent POODLE attacks.  Read more ...

As announced last month, we have made more performance improvements this month. This time we have focused on the client database. If it takes some time to open the time sheet form in the calendar in your environment, the new version may improve the loading time significantly.  Read more ...

This month we have focused heavily on performance. The first batch of improvements that affects the performance when working directly on the Server is already integrated in the September version.  Read more ...

This month we deliver performance improvements in several parts of time cockpit. Additionally, we included a workaround for a bug in Microsoft's garbage collector that some time cockpit customers had to struggle with.  Read more ...

This month we have added various productivity functions to time cockpit. Among others you can now book vacations, sick leaves and compensatory time directly in the time tracking calendar.  Read more ...