Time Cockpit Blog - Alexander Huber

Time cockpit already offers extensive reporting functionality using SQL Server Reporting Services. With Reporting Services you can create your own nicely formatted reports that can be filled with your time cockpit data. However, there are rather advanced scenarios where the built-in reporting capabilities alone do not go far enough. Recently, we refactored a crucial report for one of our long-term customer. In this article we share the main challenges and how we solved them.   Read more ...

It has been 6 and a half years now since we have gone live with time cockpit back in 2010. In these years, we have served various company types. In this article we want to share our experience when introducing time cockpit.  Read more ...


Do you have customized time cockpit or plan to customize it? If yes, you should continue reading, because in this article we show you how you can get your own, private time cockpit test system where you can play around with things without influencing your time cockpit production environment.  Read more ...

It is true, there are lots of ways to get data in and out of time cockpit, the most advanced one being the OData Web API. Still, there are scenarios where an Excel import plays strong. First, you do not need to have any programming skills to import data. Time cockpit can generate an empty sample file. You just need to fill the file with your data and let time cockpit do the rest. And let’s be honest, Excel is ubiquitous and nearly everyone knows how to work with it. In this blog article I describe scenarios in which many time cockpit customers use our Excel importing feature.  Read more ...

This month we focused on bringing time cockpit's Excel importer to the HTML 5 web client. It is true, there are other ways to load data into time cockpit which are fancier (see OData Web API). But if you need a pragmatic but powerful way that most users can relate to, you might consider the time cockpit Excel importer for import tasks.  Read more ...

In this article, we will show how you can connect time cockpit with Office 365 to view all the vacations of your employees in one single Sharepoint/Outlook calendar. This approach has two big benefits: First, you do not need to manage vacations in multiple systems and second, you can take advantage of the strength of both, time cockpit and Office 365.  Read more ...

In the latest version of time cockpit, we added built-in functions for monitoring wage & hour violations. This topic is important for many of our customers as violations can be costly. Time cockpit contains typical rule sets for Austria and Germany out-of-the-box. Customers in different countries or with specific working time rules can configure custom rule sets. Read more about how time cockpit can help you to stay compliant to legal obligations and policies concerning working times.  Read more ...

In last month’s blog article I described how to import data from Visual Studio Online into time cockpit. In contrast to the usual pull approach, I showed how to import data into time cockpit with Webhooks using a push approach. In this article I want to talk about how to integrate on premise systems like Microsoft Dynamics Navision or CRM with time cockpit using Hybrid Connections.  Read more ...

We at software architects adapt time cockpit to the needs of our customers every day. Most of our customers have well established processes or tools in place which drive their business. Time cockpit offers multiple options for integrating with upstream systems like Visual Studio Online (VSO), Jira, or Dynamics NAV. Today we want to describe how you can connect time cockpit to VSO using web hooks.  Read more ...

Recently, a customer with a heavily customized data model reported performance issues when loading lists of projects. The customer has around 80 users in his account and handles two separate organizations with time cockpit. Each year the users track about 40,000 time sheet entries. On that basis, the customer has custom reports for project controlling and HR.  Read more ...

Image source: http://flic.kr/p/nUQ7Ko, Creative Commons License