Time Tracking With Time Cockpit

Graphical Calendar

The calendar helps you to easily book your time. Green and yellow bars indicate booked and unbooked time.

Be more productive by tracking your time in a graphical calendar. Green and yellow bars left to the time sheet entries indicate booked and unbooked time.

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Activity Tracking

Time cockpit tracks your activites to simplify time tracking.

Turn on time cockpit's signal tracker to automatically get a log of your work done on your PC. Transform the signals into time sheet entries with one double-click.

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Customize lists and forms, add new properties and relations to the data model and access all data in Iron Python or .NET.

Tailor time tracking to your organizational structure and processes. Add tables and properties, customize lists and forms and access all data with IronPython or .NET.

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Start free trial

Try time tracking with time cockpit 30 days for free, no credit card required.

For Users

  • Graphical calendar for time tracking
  • Integration with Microsoft Office Outlook
  • Automatic activity tracking
  • Encrypted activity log to guarantee privacy
  • Full client with support for offline work
  • Online browser client

For Managers

  • Graphical calendar reduces time tracking effort
  • Less forgotten billable hours because of activity trackers
  • Use Microsoft Office Excel for reporting
  • No upfront investment, Software-as-a-Service
  • Pay only what you really use

For Backoffice

  • Support for invoice management
  • Powerful data grid for tabular data maintenance
  • Self-service user management portal
  • Powerful exporter to Microsoft Office Excel
  • Vacation management, planned vs. actual hours of work

For Developers

  • Customize the data model
  • Customize all forms and lists
  • Documented .NET SDK
  • Automate routine tasks using scripts
  • Automatic deployment of customizations and extensions
  • Command line tool for scheduling of scripts

What Our Customers Say

Your staff has also been outstanding! They have helped us to implement specialized processes related specifically to our needs to help streamline the way we do billing. They are always very responsive and spot on with their direction and instruction. They also check back to be sure that what they have provided has accomplished the task!

Tom Campbell of C-Tech

The excellent quality of support differentiates time cockpit from competitors. Regardless of whether we have questions during rolling out a new time cockpit release or about the API – time cockpit’s support team helps with words and deeds.”

Rene Nulsch of Softline Solutions GmbH

We are now able to record and bill services we provide easier and much more transparent for our customers. We experienced a gain in revenue by nearly 25%!

Paul Scholda of eHouse