Time Tracking Case Studies


Especially in the ever-changing IT sector, it is exciting to meet companies that keep up with the pace and have been successful for decades. One of our time cockpit customers is a prime example.

For this case study we met Mr. DI Walter Moser, CEO of the Salzburg-based company BRAINWORX information technology GmbH, and Ms. DI Verena Schlager, responsible for introducing time cockpit. They gave us an insight why they have been successful for years and why they decided to establish time cockpit as their time tracking solution.

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mea IT Services

„More IT Service“, that’s what the two entrepreneurs Michael Ulm and Elisabeth Winterheller want to offer to their customers. In Styria where their company is based, people pronounce “more” as “mea” – thus for mea IT Services the name says it all. The main area of expertise of the team of five is IT-consulting for small and medium businesses (SMB). The team is a full-service provider for web projects covering everything from design over development to hosting.

For this interview we spoke with Elisabeth Winterheller and asked her how she masters the organizational challenges in a growing startup company.

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mea IT Services


Controlling a computer with your mind. For the time cockpit customer g.tec medical engineering this is more than just a vision. With their Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) they turned it into reality. In 1999 g.tec built the first commercially available BCI. Today the company is one of the global players in the BCI market. Right before leaving to a workshop tour through Belgium, we talked to Mr. Armin Schnürer about the challenges g.tec has been facing in terms of time tracking. At g.tec, Mr. Schnürer is responsible for sales, marketing and also project-based time tracking.

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For this month's issue, we interviewed one of our time cockpit "veterans": Raphael Schwarz is a freelancer who provides his services under the brand name codeworx. Over the last years he has become a well-known .NET consultant in Austria and Germany. In this interview Raphael talks about the challenges a freelancer has to master and SaaS solutions like time cockpit which he uses to successfully administer his business.

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Softline Group

Softline Group was founded in 1983 and since then has developed into a recognised service provider in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. After its realignment in 2010, Softline has been focusing on the IT consulting and IT services business. It has established a number of strong international subsidiaries concentrating on IT consulting, IT support and software asset management (SAM).

We have interviewed Mr. René Nulsch, CEO of Softline Solutions GmbH in Leipzig, and asked him about his view on time tracking.

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Softline Solutions GmbH

Constantia Teich GmbH

With 800 employees, Constantia Teich GmbH is a leading company of Constantia Flexibles. The international enterprise is one of the world's leading suppliers of flexible packaging material. Time tracking plays an important role in Constantia Teich’s shared service centers, because services are provided by central departments and have to be charged to the different subsidiaries accordingly.

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Constantia Teich GmbH

WebReal Real Estate Marketing

ERESNET GmbH is Austria’s leading IT provider for real estate agencies. The company runs www.immobilien.net, Austria’s largest internet platform for real estates. Beside that the team offers software solutions (e. g. WebReal) and statistical data (e. g. ImmoDEX) for the real estate market. We visited Mr. Christian Schackerl, a software development team leader at ERESNET. We talked about why time tracking is important for ERESNET in general and for development teams like his in particular.

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softaware gmbh

From November 19th to 21st the BASTA software development conference took place in Vienna. We took the chance and interviewed Mr. Roman Schacherl, CEO and co-founder of softaware gmbh, about the time tracking challenge in general and his experience with time cockpit in particular.

Before moving to time cockpit, softaware had been using Microsoft Office Excel for time tracking. It did not work for them. Roman Schacherl: "Even for a small team like ours, a dedicated time tracking tool like time cockpit offers a lot of advantages: No manual effort for consolidating Excel time sheets. I can create a report or analyze data with just a few mouse clicks. Even in a busy week the activity tracker of time cockpit reminds me of what I did and increases data quality a lot. You cannot achieve this level of professionalism with simple Excel-based time tracking."

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softaware gmbh

Prologics IT Gmbh

Over the last years the PROLOGIC team was constantly growing. Today it consists of 25 employees. Based on the success in its home market, the company is currently extending its activities to other European countries. In this situation time tracking is an important topic for the PROLOGCS team.

Robert Hutter, CEO and co-founder of PROLOGICS: "As a startup company you are constantly struggling with limited resources. Therefore it is extremely important to use them efficiently and targeted. Resource planning becomes much easier if you have a historical time tracking database from which you can learn."

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Prologics IT Gmbh


Previously nagarro (formerly Hexa Business Services) used an internally-developed softare tool based on Microsoft Access for time tracking, but when growing to a company of 30 people, they needed a solution that fits their growing demands.

Damianos Soumelidis, CEO of Hexa Business Services: "We already had an internally-developed software tool based on Microsoft Access – it proved to be rudimentary and unsatisfactory. It worked for 5 to 10 employees quite well but at the scale which we are – we have 30 people using the time cockpit and we are strongly considering an addition of our sister company to>day experts with 65 people – the internally-developed software tool no longer works."

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Constantia Teich GmbH
Softline Group
eHouse Informationstechnologie GmbH
Institute of Brand Logic
GTW management consulting