Online and Offline

Work Offline

Use time cockpit’s full client and work offline whenever you do not have internet access.

Time cockpit’s full client synchronizes your data with your team’s time recording database. You can continue working with time cockpit even if you do not have internet access. Next time you are connected to the internet, time cockpit is going to synchronize your offline changes automatically. You do not need to switch to offline mode explicitly or trigger the synchronization manually, everything just works automatically.

Work OfflineWork Offline
Use time cockpit’s full client and work offline whenever you do not have internet access.

Work Online

Use time cockpit’s online client if all you have is a browser.

If you do not have a time cockpit full client available, access your time tracking data online with any browser that supports Microsoft Silverlight (including browsers on Apple computers). The online browser client offers you the same UI experience as the full client. If you enter your personal signal data password, the online client can decrypt and display your activity log. Only if you want to collect data for your activity log you need to install the full client (read more about activity tracking ...).

Start time cockpit online

Work OnlineWork Online
Use time cockpit’s online client if all you have is a browser.

Move to a New PC

Just install time cockpit, enter username and password and a few minutes later time cockpit will be ready to use.

No need to move your time tracking installation to your new PC manually. Download and install the time cockpit full client and enter your username and password. Time cockpit will synchronize your time tracking environment to your new PC automatically.

Open management portal to download the full client