
Flexible Subscription

With time cockpit you only pay what you really use.

Time cockpit is like a natural skin, it grows with you. You add, remove or even temporarily suspend users as needed. We calculate your monthly fee based on the number of active users per day. There is no minimum amount of users and no commitment period. If you do not need time cockpit anymore you can cancel your subscription on any day without any period of notice.

Open time cockpit’s self-service user management portal ...

Self-Service Portal for User ManagementSelf-Service Portal for User Management
Manage time cockpit users for your team members through a self-service portal.

Clear and Simple Pricing Model

0.28€ per user per day – no tricks, no hidden fees.

We charge for time cockpit based on the number of active users per day. The fee covers the time cockpit software (you can install it on multiple PCs), the online browser client, the entire server infrastructure in the cloud necessary for your time cockpit environment, and support via email. At the end of the month you receive a digitally signed invoice with a detailed list of your active users. Payment is done via credit card. Read more about time cockpit pricing ...

Clear and Simple Pricing ModelClear and Simple Pricing Model
0.20€ per user per day – no tricks, no hidden fees.

No Upfront Investment

Use time cockpit without any upfront investment – no servers, no licenses, not setup fees.

Start evaluating time cockpit for 30 days with our free trial offer. After registration it will just take a few minutes to setup your time cockpit environment in the cloud. If time cockpit will not convince you, just stop using time cockpit. You do not even need to cancel your trial subscription. If you like time cockpit, enter your customer data plus credit card and we will change your subscription from trial mode to production.

Powerful and Reliable Cloud Infrastructure

Time cockpit runs on the Microsoft Azure Platform.

Your time cockpit environment in the cloud will run on the Microsoft Azure Platform. We deploy all components of time cockpit in the European data centers of Microsoft Azure. All our production databases are three-node database clusters. Backups for disaster recovery are managed by Microsoft; they are stored redundantly in both European data centers. All our webservers are clusters each with at least two servers for load balancing and fault tolerance.