Time Cockpit Blog

Over the product lifetime not only the functionality and the used technologies play an important role, but also the support of existing customers. Sometimes this customer support can reach a very high level. In this blog article we list some tips how to reduce customer support using the ticket system Zendesk in combination with time cockpit.  Read more ...

Cockpit City Night Lights

Photo by Chris Leipelt on unsplash

The calm summer months are the perfect time to work on some long intended, internal projects. This month, we finally found the time to fully automate our web deployment using VSTS Release Management. In this blog post we share our release process and its technical implementation using VSTS and Azure.  Read more ...

Recently, I spoke with one of our partners about their view on remote working vs. colocation. My discussion partner was convinced that his software development team is more productive because more or less all members work in the same location. That conversation gave me a lot of food for thought. Do efficiency gains from colocation outweigh losing talents who are not able or not willing to regularly commute into the office? Is there a happy medium? In this blog post I share my thoughts on this topic.  Read more ...

This month we launch our brand new time cockpit documentation portal. The existing one has served us well for many years but it was time for a change. The technology behind time cockpit's documentation portal has been revamped from scratch. The new system is convenient to use. Additionally, it greatly simplifies our process of writing documentation which will lead to more up-to-date information. In this blog post we highlight the most important features of our new portal.  Read more ...

Whenever we start new SaaS projects, we try not to start with a too technical focus. We believe that the technical implementation has to reflect the business goals. Just focusing on technological aspects raises the danger of a project failure because of over-engineering or over-simplification. In this blog post we share important business-related questions that we use to prepare software architecture workshops for SaaS projects.  Read more ...

Our monthly release cycle has been in place for years. With more and more customers switching from time cockpit's full client to HTML5, we think its time for a change. Read more about our future update strategy and the different time cockpit environments you can choose from.  Read more ...

This month we have added a feature which allows you to hide the signal details area in the calendar. Additionally, there are improvements for exceptions in actions.  Read more ...

Although we love to write code, we often have to write text content, too. I am thinking of blog posts, documentation, meeting minutes, presentations, etc. Lately, we started to use Markdown for more and more of these purposes. Our latest project in that direction is moving our product documentation from Sandcastle (MAML = XML) to DocFX (=Markdown).  Read more ...

This month you will find various improvements and bug fixes in the HTML5 Client and in the Full Client. In the Full Client one major improvement is the editor for triggers. In the HTML5 Client we have added support for BooleanRadioButtonCells.  Read more ...

Time tracking has a bad reputation. Nobody likes to account for how exactly she is spending her working time. Developers want to code instead of struggling with administrative tasks like filling out their time sheet. In my opinion, this attitude is wrong. Granted, we build software for time tracking so the topic is naturally near to my heart. Independently, I really believe that a good time tracking practice can solve a big problem for many developers: It can help getting rid of hated technical debts.  Read more ...