Pricing Information for the time cockpit Service

Before subscribing to “time cockpit”, you can test the service for 30 days. If you have a promotion code you can extend the trial period. Testing "time cockpit" is free of charge. Trial accounts do not automatically turn into subscriptions; this step has to be taken by the user explicitly.

After the testing phase you can decide whether or not to subscribe to the “time cockpit” service. We charge for the service by user and calendar day. The currently valid rates are as follows:

€ 0.28 / user and calendar day

This price includes support for questions or problems via email or forums. Support via telephone, web conference and remote maintenance is charged on a time basis. The currently valid rates for that are as follows:

€ 70 / started half-hour of support time

Please note that the service "time cockpit" is offered only to organizations and not to consumers. All prices are excluding VAT.

Volume Discount for Large Teams

For large teams with more than 100 users the price per user is reduced by 10% for users 101 - 200, 20% for users 201 - 300 and so on up to a maximum discount of 50%.

0 - 100-
101 - 20010%
201 - 30020%
301 - 40030%
401 - 50040%
501 - ∞50%

Sample Calculation for 260 Users

Fee for Users 1 - 100 => 0,28 EUR per day => 0,28 * 100 * 31 = 868,00 EUR
Fee for Users 101 - 200 => 0,252 EUR per day => 0,252 * 100 * 31 = 781,20 EUR
Fee for Users 201 - 260 => 0,224 EUR per day => 0,224 * 60 * 31 = 416,64 EUR

That makes 2.065,84 EUR for a team of 260 users per month.

Billing and Payment Options

Payments can only be made through the Stripe payment service (i.e. payment via credit card), unless previously approved for invoice. The invoicing currency is Euro (€ - EUR).

Subscribers receive a collective invoice about the actual costs in the last month at the beginning of each month. The invoice shows which users had been registered in the system and which costs thereby incurred.

Invoices are solely electronically signed PDF-files sent via e-mail.

Invoices for customers in Austria are issued with VAT. A customer outside of Austria is charged without VAT if the customer is located inside the EU and specified her VAT ID during the subscription process. All other customers are charged with the Austrian VAT rate.

Details on Fees

If the prices outlined above change, you will be informed at least 30 days in advance. "time cockpit" may possibly be supplemented with other services from time to time. You will be informed in advance if new services are available and if the associated prices would change. Of course additional charges only apply if you activate new services within your current subscription.

Customers are responsible for taxes arising from the free-of-charge trial of the service.

The “time cockpit” subscription starts with the registration at or with the transformation of a trial-account into a subscription that is subject to charge. When you register, the first charged user is created. This user is the administrator and is capable of creating new users, disable existing users or reactivate them as well as deleting existing users, cancel the subscription or give existing users administrator rights.

If a trial version is transformed into a subscription that is subject to charge, charging does not start until the trial phase would have been over. Therefore it is no disadvantage for the customer if she subscribes before the end of the trial phase.

The fee mentioned above is charged for every registered user and started calendar day. If a specific user cannot use “time cockpit” (e.g. parental leave, holidays, etc.), the user can be deactivated for the corresponding time period. The customer does not have to pay for deactivated users. As soon as the user wants to use “time cockpit” again, he can be reactivated by the administrator. Please keep in mind that each user can only be reactivated once per year!

Software or organisational measures to reduce the number of users (sometimes referred to as “multiplexing” or “pooling”), do not reduce the number of licenses or subscriptions needed.

Supportive services which turn out to be originated from a defect in the software or the services of software architects will not be charged no matter if they have been processed via email, the forums or other communication channels. In this context a defect is a deviation of the behavior of the software or the services from the described behavior in the online help or the descriptions in the Portal

software architects reserves the right to disable customer subscriptions in case of a failure to pay. Before disabling the subscription, you would receive a notfication email and you would have one calendar week to get in contact with software architects and settle the outstanding payments. After a subscription has been disabled the customer has an additional week of time to get in contact with software architects and settle the outstanding payments. If the customer misses this deadline, too, software architects will cancel the subscription and delete all the customer's data.

Cancellation Policy

Both sides can cancel the subscription at any time. The charges incurred until the cancellation date have to be paid by the customer.

Availability and Backup

software architects will keep technical systems in their sphere of influence at the best possible state. software architects disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the software and the services, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

Customers are responsible for backup of their data. software architects explicitly states that there will not be any backup of customer data. If you should have any question about how to organise a backup of your data please contact

Usage Limits

The use of the service "time cockpit" is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Users who have a valid subscription and have not been deactivated are allowed to install the software “time cockpit” on up to three physical or virtual devices. Any use, reproduction or redistribution of the software "time cockpit" not in accordance with the License Terms is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in civil or criminal penalties.
  2. Users can keep signal data recorded by the software “time cockpit” for up to six month. Older signal data has to be deleted.
  3. The price mentioned above includes storage for up to 50.000* timesheet records per user.
  4. The price mentioned above includes storage for up to 10MB** of master data per user.

software architects reserves the right to check automatically for the compliances with the regulations as mentioned above, and disable accounts if the usage limits are exceeded. Before disabling an account, the customer will be notified by email and we try to establish personal contact before we take any further action. Customers that exceed their usage limits have to pay for the possibly accruing costs if the account is disabled.

*) calculation basis: average of 20 timesheet records per day per user at 250 work days a year for the time period of 10 years.
**) calculation basis: 10.000 records with an average memory requirement of 1KB.