Time Tracking at PROLOGICS IT Gmbh with Time Cockpit

PROLOGICS is a young Austrian software company. Its product Firestart helps companies to structure business processes.


Firestart is unique because of its outstanding and award-winning user interface. Above that customers select Firestart because its functional range goes beyond just drawing diagrams of business processes. It can also drive process execution. To make that possible Firestart supports IT experts in connecting processes with underlying IT systems like SAP or Microsoft Dynamics. End users do not have to deal with such technical details. They interact with processes running in Firestart using Microsoft Office Outlook or collaboration portals like Microsoft Office SharePoint.

FireStart Screenshot

Struggling With Limited Resources

Over the last years the PROLOGIC team was constantly growing. Today it consists of 25 employees. Based on the success in its home market, the company is currently extending its activities to other European countries. In this situation time tracking is an important topic for the PROLOGCS team. Robert Hutter, CEO and co-founder of PROLOGICS: "As a startup company you are constantly struggling with limited resources. Therefore it is extremely important to use them efficiently and targeted. Resource planning becomes much easier if you have a historical time tracking database from which you can learn."

Detailed Protocols for Research Promotion Agency

The data collected with time cockpit is not only important for PROLOGICS internally. It is also the basis for documenting work for external partners. "We have received public promotions for some of our research projects. The promotion agencies demand detailed protocols about the invested time. Beside that people in our consulting team need to document the time spent in implementation projects for customers. Therefore having an accurate and consistent time tracking database is an absolute necessity for us", says Robert Hutter.

Extensibility for Further Growth

Extensibility had been an important evaluation criteria for PROLOGICS when the company looked for time tracking solutions on the market. They were looking for a product that enables seamless integration in their processes. Robert Hutter says: "We need the ability to tailor our time tracking solution so that we can work with its data in downstream processes like billing or resource planning. It was an important selection criteria that time cockpit is an extensible platform and not a fixed and closed time tracking tool."

Start Small Without Upfront Investments

PROLOGICS uses time cockpit for more than 1.5 years already. The fact that time cockpit is software-as-a-service (SaaS) fits well to PROLOGICS’ situation. Robert Hutter: "Firstly we want to concentrate on our core business. Therefore it helps us not having to run our own infrastructure for time tracking. Secondly we like the user-based pricing model of time cockpit. We could start small without any upfront investment. We can add new users as we need them. This model is ideal for growing teams in startup companies  like PROLOGICS."


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