Activity Tracking

Reconstruct Your Day

Reconstruct the time you spend working on your PC with time cockpit’s signal trackers.

Turn on time cockpit’s signal tracker to automatically get a log of your work done on your PC. Import the call history from your phone if phone calls are relevant for your time sheet. As a developer connect time cockpit to your Microsoft Team Foundation Server to see when you checked in files and when changes happened to your work items.

Time cockpits graphical time sheet calendar visualizes this log and lets you transform it into time sheet entries with a few mouse clicks.

Reconstruct Your DayReconstruct Your Day
Reconstruct the time you spend working on your PC with time cockpit’s signal trackers.


You are in control over your Signal Trackers and time cockpit keeps activity logs 100% private.

Time cockpit is not a spyware tool! Your privacy is crucial to us. Every user can temporarily or permanently disable activity tracking. Time cockpit offers no functions to centrally control activity tracking for the entire team. You can delete your old activity logs permanently with just a few mouse clicks.

Time cockpit encrypts your activity log with a password that you personally choose. Time cockpit uses it only on your PC and does not store it centrally.

Delete SignalsDelete Signals
Delete all signals or only signals of some types.

Multiple Devices

Get an integrated view of you activities on all your PCs.

Time cockpit synchronizes your data between your different PCs automatically (e. g. PC in your office, laptop for mobile work). Work on your time sheet online via web browser if you do not have access to your time cockpit full client.

Do your time tracking on any of your devices and have your activity logs of all PCs at hand.

Histograms and Tag Cloud

See what major topics you have been working on during your day.

Your activity log will grow during a busy day. Time cockpit analyzes the data and does its best to draw your attention to the most important tasks. See how much time you spent on certain applications or files. Look for important projects or customer names in the tag cloud and see how long you worked on them.

Histograms and Tag CloudHistograms and Tag Cloud
See what major topics you have been working on during your day.

Signal Trackers

Time cockpit comes with a variety of Signal Trackers that build your activity log.

  • Computer and User Activity
    Records when you have been actively working on your PC. For knowledge workers periods of inactivity often indicate e. g. meetings or breaks.
  • Active Application
    Logs the applications that you have been actively working with. You might recall that you have worked on a specific customer presentation when you see a longer block of time for Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
  • Windows Titles
    Your activity log shows you the title of the windows you have been actively working in. For Microsoft Office you will instantly see e. g. which document or email you worked on. Developers will see the project name of Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Sent Emails
    As a knowledge worker you might spend a significant amount of time writing emails. With time cockpit you can easily identify the times when you were busy answering emails. Additionally you will identify specific mails that you worked on for a longer time and that might result in billable hours.
  • Written Files
    Directory and file names often give you an indication about the customer or the project you worked on. time cockpit can monitor directories on local drives and show you how long you worked on the corresponding files before saving them.
  • Notes
    Leave yourself a note about what you just did while not working on your PC (e.g. unplanned meeting with a colleague). If you have been away from your computer for a couple of minutes, the notes tracker pops up automatically and asks you if you want to leave a note. The notes appear in the time sheet calendar when you will need them to fill your time sheet.
  • Call History
    Import your call history if you have a mobile phone or phone system that can export your calls. time cockpit lets you easily convert phone calls to time sheet entries.
  • Microsoft Team Foundation Server
    As a developer you might begin a certain task by setting the corresponding work item’s status to “in progress” and complete it by checking in your files. Time cockpit shows you such activities in your time sheet calendar’s activity log.