Graphical Calendar

See the graphical time sheet calendar in this short video (3:49) in action.

Your Time Sheet at a Glance

Manage your time sheet in a calendar view instead of struggling with confusing lists.

Use time cockpit’s graphical calendar to manage your time sheet independent of whether you work offline in the full client or online in the browser. Switch between day, week, or month view depending on the level of details you need.

The graphical visualization ensures that you will immediately recognize booking mistakes like missing time sheet entries or unwanted overlapping time sheet entries.

Your Time Sheet at a GlanceYour Time Sheet at a Glance
Manage your time sheet in a calendar view instead of struggling with confusing lists.

Easy Interaction

Time tracking is a necessity, not your primary job. Therefore we made the creation of time sheet entries as simple as possible.

Use drag & drop to quickly change the duration of a time sheet entry, to move it or to copy it to another day. Context menus and the ribbon show you the commands that are available. Use keyboard shortcuts when you got more familiar with the graphical calendar.

You get all these productivity features in the full client and in the online browser client.

Easy InteractionEasy Interaction
Copy timesheets easily per drag & drop.

Integration with Microsoft Office Outlook

Convert your appointments from your calendar into time sheet entries.

Time cockpit can display your Microsoft Outlook appointments in the graphical calendar. If you plan your future work in Outlook, convert appointments into time sheet entries by simply double-clicking them.

Time cockpit will take information like description, starting time, and end time from Outlook. You just have to add specific time tracking data like project assignment and correct the duration of the resulting time sheet entry if necessary.

Integration with Microsoft Office OutlookIntegration with Microsoft Office Outlook
Convert your appointments from your calendar into time sheet entries.

Activity Tracking

Time cockpit takes notes of your work automatically. Filling out your time sheet retrospectively will be no problem.

It can be hard to keep track of what you do throughout a busy working day. time cockpit tracks your work on your PC and visualizes your activities in the time sheet calendar.

No matter if you do your time tracking at the end of the day, week or month, time cockpit will remind you of important time sheet entries like billable hours. Your time sheet will be accurate even if you fill it out retrospectively. Find out more about activity tracking in the dedicated tour.

Reconstruct Your DayReconstruct Your Day
Reconstruct the time you spend working on your PC with time cockpit’s signal trackers.

Formatting Profiles

Get an overview of the structure of your working week with conditional color formatting.

In many situations it is important to quickly get an overview of how you have spent your working time. You might be interested in the ratio of billable hours. As a project manager you analyze which tasks the team members have been working on.

Define formatting profiles with a formula language similar to Microsoft Office Excel. time cockpit will color time sheet entries in the calendar according to a specified criteria (e.g. billable vs. non-billable, task, etc.). Additionally, you can define a key figure which is used to calculate the hours spent on e.g. billable or non-billalbe tasks.

Read more about formatting profiles in time cockpit’s online help ...

Planned vs. Actual Working Hours

Always know how you are doing with regards to your planned working hours.

Get a visual indication of your planned and actual working hours per day, week, and month. Enter planned hours of work, holidays, vacations, and sick leaves. Based on that time cockpit shows you, how you are doing compared to your planned working time. If you have the appropriate access permissions, you can see the data about working time for other team members, too.

Planned vs. Actual Working HoursPlanned vs. Actual Working Hours
Always know how you are doing with regards to your planned working hours.

Template Bookings

Complete your time sheet faster with templates for time sheet entries.

Save an existing time sheet entry as a template for reoccurring tasks. Or setup dynamic templates like “the five most recent bookings of the current user”.

Template BookingsTemplate Bookings
Complete your time sheet faster with templates for time sheet entries.

Duration-Only Time Sheet Entries

Create time sheet entries with start and end time or with duration only.

By default time cockpit saves a start and an end time for each time sheet entry created in the time sheet calendar. As an administrator you can enable the creation of duration-only time sheet entries. You can use this kind of time sheet entries e.g. for administrative tasks. The time sheet calendar visually integrates both types of time sheet entries.

Duration-Only Time Sheet EntriesDuration-Only Time Sheet Entries
Create time sheet entries with start and end time or with duration only.