Presentation about Business Model Evolution for SaaS (Dublin MS GISV Summit 2012)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 by Rainer Stropek

It is a pleasure for me to be a speaker at Microsoft EMEA's Global ISV Summit again. Last year the event took place in Bratislava. I was speaking about consequences of multi-tenancy on software architectures. This year I cover two topics. The first one is very business-oriented. I speak about typical challenges that software vendors have to solve to successfully transfer from the classical licensing-based model to a SaaS strategy. In this blog article I publish my slides. You can view them on slideshare or download them in PDF format.

Note that the original slide deck contains quite a lot of animations. If you want to have the original PPTX file including all the animations, feel free to contact me via email or twitter (@rstropek). 

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