Time Cockpit Blog

Today I will do a session at a local user group called Technologieplauscherl. It is an informal meeting of people interested in technology. The topic I am going to speak about is Microsoft .NET and its new relationship with Linux, open source, and Docker.  Read more ...

OWIN decouples ASP.NET web application from a specific web server like IIS. At this year's dotnet Cologne conference I spent an hour speaking about the fundamental ideas of OWIN. Additionally, I showed how the OWIN concepts translate to ASP.NET 5. As this was a code-only talk, I recorded the sessions. In this post you find the video (German).  Read more ...

Gleich geht es auf der BASTA 2014 in Mainz auf die große Bühne für die Keynote. Hier eine Zusammenfassung einiger meiner Gedanken zum Thema neue Offenheit bei Microsoft.  Read more ...

At BASTA 2014 I will do a full-day C# workshop. One of the topics will be parallel and async programming. In this blog article I share the code of my demo and describe the scenario I will cover: TPL, async/await, profiling of CPU-bound algorithms.  Read more ...

At BASTA 2014 I will do a full-day C# workshop. One of the topics will be profiling. In this blog article I share the code of my demo and describe the scenario I will cover.  Read more ...

Tomorrow I will do a full-day workshop about C# at BASTA Germany. Over the years, the workshop has become a tradition and I am really looking forward to it. In this blog article I publish slides, code samples, and important links for attendees.  Read more ...

Today will have a talk about OData at NRWConf conference in Wuppertal, Germany. It will be code-only talk so I thought it might be useful to provide some of the information I will cover in my session in a blog article. However, I have written quite some OData related article in my blog before. So this one has to be a bit different. I decided to answer some questions I regularly get when talking with people about OData.  Read more ...

Next weekend I will be speaker at the SQL Server and .NET Developer Conference (SNEK) in Nürnberg (Germany). One of the talks will be focused on tools for .NET developers. In this blog article I summarize what I am going to show.  Read more ...

Customers regularly hire me to do code reviews for software projects. Over the years I put together my personal checklist. In this blog article I share a summary of it with you. Note that the checklist is in German. However, the article contains a link to auto-translate it in English.  Read more ...

The Xamarin and Mono tools enable C# developers to use their existing knowledge and experience to write apps for Android and iOS. At the BASTA 2013 conference I did a session about that topic. During the session I showed a sample that used SQLite on the phone and Windows Azure Mobile Service as its backend in the cloud. In this blog article I publish my slides as well as the sample code.  Read more ...