Time Cockpit Blog

Recently, I have been doing some programming work using the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node). I use a Windows PC as my dev box and host my Mongo databases on Mongo Labs (mLabs) in Azure. Therefore, I need to create dumps as backups. In this blog article I summarize how I do that with Docker Machine.  Read more ...

Today I will do a session about Docker on Azure for software developers at NRWConf 2015 in Wuppertal (Germany). For that talk I updated my slides and samples so they run with latest version of ASP.NET 5 (beta 7). Here are the updated slides and a link to the sample code.  Read more ...

Today I will do my OData session at BASTA conference in Mainz again. This time I have a bit more time so I will add a demo of creating a custom OData provider without any underlying database. The result is generated based on the OData query on the fly. In this blog article I share the code.  Read more ...