Time Cockpit Blog

Today I will do a session in a SQLPASS community meeting in Vienna about Windows Azure Table Storage. The audience mainly consists of SQL experts and I have been invited to describe similarities and differences of SQL Azure and Table Storage. In this article I want to summarize important links that people who are interested in the details could use.  Read more ...

Today I do a session at Herbstcampus Nürnberg about changes in .NET’s 4.5 Base Class Library (BCL). Of course the primary topic is async programming as this is by far the most important change. As always I try to demonstrate not only the pure technology. I want to show practical examples about how you benefit from it in everyday life.  Read more ...

We invite you to prove your knowledge about certain subjects concerning Microsoft .NET technology by participating in a monthly quiz. This month the quiz is about SQL Server. In this article you can reread the questions. Additionally you get background information about the correct answers.  Read more ...