Time Cockpit Blog

Am Samstag fand das Global Azure Bootcamp in Linz im Wissensturm statt. Mit 111 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern haben wir unser Ziel mehr als erreicht. Wir sagen Danke an alle Personen, die zum Gelingen des Tages beigetragen haben. In diesem Blogartikel stelle ich Vortragsunterlagen und Fotos vom Event zur Verfügung.  Read more ...

Morgen ist es soweit, das Global Azure Bootcamp 2016 findet statt. 120 angemeldete Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, 23 Sessions - wir werden dieses Jahr alle Rekorde aus den Vorjahren sprengen. In diesem Blogartikel fassen wir die wichtigsten Informationen und Links für morgen zusammen.  Read more ...

Recently, I have been doing some programming work using the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node). I use a Windows PC as my dev box and host my Mongo databases on Mongo Labs (mLabs) in Azure. Therefore, I need to create dumps as backups. In this blog article I summarize how I do that with Docker Machine.  Read more ...

On January, 25th the first IT-Visions information day has taken place in Linz. Roman Schacherl, Raphael Schwarz and Rainer Stropek were talking about what's new in .NET, ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2015, in Microsoft Azure, in mobile development and Universal Windows Platform.  Read more ...

Today I will do a session about Docker on Azure for software developers at NRWConf 2015 in Wuppertal (Germany). For that talk I updated my slides and samples so they run with latest version of ASP.NET 5 (beta 7). Here are the updated slides and a link to the sample code.  Read more ...

Yesterday I did a workshop at the Software Architecture Summit in Berlin. More than 60 software architects came to my sessions about RESTful Web API Design. In this blog article I share my slides, code, and links to tools/technologies I mentioned. I hope you find the resources useful.  Read more ...

Today I will do a session at a local user group called Technologieplauscherl. It is an informal meeting of people interested in technology. The topic I am going to speak about is Microsoft .NET and its new relationship with Linux, open source, and Docker.  Read more ...

Today Microsoft Austria and I wanted to do a webinar concerning information security in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Unfortunately there were technical problems with the platform on which the webinar should have taken place. Therefore we had to cancel it. In this blog article I share a video with the content I wanted to present.  Read more ...

At Techorama conference in Belgium I do a session for developers who heard about Docker and wonder why it would be relevant for them. What is different about Docker? Why could it be useful for web developers? How can it be used on Azure? It is a Docker intro session in which I demo the application of Docker in web development scenarios. In this blog post I share my slides and samples.  Read more ...

OWIN decouples ASP.NET web application from a specific web server like IIS. At this year's dotnet Cologne conference I spent an hour speaking about the fundamental ideas of OWIN. Additionally, I showed how the OWIN concepts translate to ASP.NET 5. As this was a code-only talk, I recorded the sessions. In this post you find the video (German).  Read more ...