Time Cockpit Blog

Am Samstag fand das Global Azure Bootcamp in Linz im Wissensturm statt. Mit 111 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern haben wir unser Ziel mehr als erreicht. Wir sagen Danke an alle Personen, die zum Gelingen des Tages beigetragen haben. In diesem Blogartikel stelle ich Vortragsunterlagen und Fotos vom Event zur Verfügung.  Read more ...

Today I will do a session at a local user group called Technologieplauscherl. It is an informal meeting of people interested in technology. The topic I am going to speak about is Microsoft .NET and its new relationship with Linux, open source, and Docker.  Read more ...

Today Microsoft Austria and I wanted to do a webinar concerning information security in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Unfortunately there were technical problems with the platform on which the webinar should have taken place. Therefore we had to cancel it. In this blog article I share a video with the content I wanted to present.  Read more ...

Changing the UI technology from WPF/Silverlight to HTML/JavaScript in a large project is a real challange especially for a rather small team like ours. At this year's dotnet Cologne conferenceI did a session about the architectural decisions we made. Additionally, I spoke about how we organize the project so that it can run smoothly side by side to our daily business.  Read more ...

Yesterday I did a short session about Linux and Docker on Microsoft Azure at Linuxwochen in Vienna. Goal was to offer a short introduction to Docker on Azure for people who are working with Linux. In this blog article I pulish my slides, the source code of the samples, and the video recording.  Read more ...

A week ago we hosted the Austrian event of the Global Azure Bootcamp. It was a great day. We could welcome 91 attendees which is +40% compared to last year. Many people asked for the session slides. Here are the links to all the slides decks that the GAB speakers sent to me.  Read more ...

This Saturday, the Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) will take place. We organize the local even in Austria. I will do a session about Azure App Services Web Apps. In this blog article I publish the recording of this session.  Read more ...

At BASTA Spring 2015 some of my session were recorded. The recordings about Docker for software developers and .NET performance optimization tips and tricks are now online. Here are the links and videos.  Read more ...

For one of my private hobbies (keeping honey bees), I recently needed a simple registration form. It should just ask for a few data items, use a captcha to protect from spam, save the registrations in a DB, and send me notification emails. Within a few hours everything was up and running. In this blog post I share the code and describe the cloud components you can use to rapidly solve such a requirement.  Read more ...

Docker is an important topic for Microsoft especially with the Azure cloud computing platform. As ASP.NET vNext supports Linux, developers can start exploring Docker Containers for running their applications in Linux Azure VMs now. At German BASTA 2015 conference I did an intro-session about Docker on Microsoft Azure.  Read more ...