Time Cockpit Blog

In this article you can view the slides for my WPF & Prism Workshop at BASTA Austria. Additionally you can download the sample code.  Read more ...

Today I am at the NRWConf, a community event of Microsoft-oriented software developers in the Börse in Wuppertal.Beside presenting our product time cockpit I also do a session about MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) and data binding with WPF and Silverlight. Because I do the session code-only (no slides!) I have recorded the content last night to enable all participants to repeat the shown sample.  Read more ...

Imagine you have two ListBoxes with lots of items. Whenever a user scrolls in one of the two ListBoxes, the other one should be updated, too. What we want to do in this article is to create a simple attached property, that allows us to group scrollable controls.  Read more ...