Time Cockpit Blog

My ALM Days talk about building in the cloud went fine. However, the last demo didn't fully work and I finally ran out of time. That's the risk of a 100% live coding session. The reason was a small mistake that I made while standing on stage. Here is the description of the mistake. Hope it helps you to avoid doing the same.  Read more ...

At TechEd 2013 I did a talk about build in the cloud. For ALM Days next week, Microsoft invited me to do an updated version of this session. So I brought my samples up-to-date and switched to Git. In this blog post I describe what I will demo during the session.  Read more ...

Yesterday we represented Microsoft and their Team Foundation Server in the Tools Challenge at the Software Quality Days 2014 in Vienna. The topic was Model Driven Development and Testing. The great news: We won :-) Read more about what we have demonstrated during the challenge.  Read more ...

At Microsoft TechEd 2013 I do a session about Continuous Integration with Team Foundation Services and Windows Azure Websites. In this blog article you find the source code and a video of the sample.  Read more ...

Recently, Microsoft launched their hosted Team Foundation Service which includes the ability to use customized workflows including custom code activities. Last week, I gave the feature a spin and here’s a few things that I tripped over.  Read more ...

Windows Azure Websites (WAWS) is a great PaaS service in Microsoft's Cloud Computing platform Windows Azure. It makes it very easy to create, run, and scale web sites or web APIs. The new Team Foundation Services integrate perfectly with WAWS and make it possible to setup a continuous integration environment in the cloud within minutes.  Read more ...

Even though our core dev team is quite small, time cockpit's code base has grown quite a bit. It has grown in such a way, that having all of the code in one solution file and working with it from a day-to-day basis is not a feasible solution. As we have three different areas we work on, Data Layer (DL), Signal Trackers (ST) and the User Interface (UI) itself, we have created seperated solutions for each area. This would work fine just as it is, but the problem is, that ST depends on DL and the UI depends on the ST and DL Layers.  Read more ...

After having released time cockpit 1.0, we decided to finally upgrade to Team Foundation Server 2010. The upgrade seemed to have worked without any problem and day-to-day work continued as normal with checkins, branching and merging working at least as good as before. If you read of the changes between TFS 2008 and TFS 2010 (here) you may have noticed that TFS Build 2010 is based on WorkFlow 4.0 (WF4).  Read more ...

In case you are stumbling across a problem where your build does not succeed because the result file for code analysis cannot be found (Unable to read Code Analysis output report. Make sure that the directory is writable (default is the project output directory) be sure to not have any <CodeAnalysisLogFile> entries in your project build files.  Read more ...