Time Cockpit Blog

Yesterday I did a workshop at the Software Architecture Summit in Berlin. More than 60 software architects came to my sessions about RESTful Web API Design. In this blog article I share my slides, code, and links to tools/technologies I mentioned. I hope you find the resources useful.  Read more ...

HTML does not support tri-state checkboxes by default. There is an indeterminate attribute to indicate that the value is undefined but there is no way to set a checkbox back to indeterminate through the user interface once it has been checked or unchecked. The following sample shows how to build an AngularJS directive for a tri-state checkbox with TypeScript.  Read more ...

AngularJS samples written in TypeScript are not that common on the internet. I get frequently asked how to write an AngularJS provider in TypeScript. Here is a "Hello World" sample.  Read more ...

AngularJS has become a very popular web development framework. Now that Telerik made Kendo UI open source, this framework is a possible alternative for many web developers. Learn about the differences and similarities.  Read more ...

I have already posted an end-to-end sample showing Visual Studio "Monaco" with TypeScript and AngularJS in the past. For an event in Graz (Austria) I created an additional sample showing how to use Git, Grunt, and Jasmine unit testing with "Monaco".  Read more ...

In this blog post, I would like to summarize a talk I gave at the JavaScript Day of the International PHP Conference in Berlin 2014. The idea of the talk is to demonstrate the power of NodeJS + TypeScript + AngularJS.  Read more ...

In this video I show an end-to-end example for programming with Visual Studio Online "Monaco". Monaco is currently in preview available for Windows Azure Websites. The sample uses TypeScript and AngularJS. Everything is done in the browser: Editing, compiling, package management, etc. The sample accesses an early prototype of the OData provider of time cockpit.  Read more ...

I regularly do talks about developing with Windows Azure Mobile Services, TypeScript, and AngularJS. Today I am speaker at the .NET user group in Vienna. For this talk I updated my sample to the latest version of AngularJS and TypeScript. Additionally I recorded the talk (German).  Read more ...

Yesterday at the WebTech 2013 conference in Munich I did an interview with Corinna Kern from Software and Support Media. Here is the video (German).  Read more ...

Today I am here at the WebTech Conference in Munich speaking about cloud computing and web technologies. In this blog post you find some photos and links to the material that I will use during my sessions.  Read more ...