Time Cockpit Blog

At Techorama conference in Belgium I do a session for developers who heard about Docker and wonder why it would be relevant for them. What is different about Docker? Why could it be useful for web developers? How can it be used on Azure? It is a Docker intro session in which I demo the application of Docker in web development scenarios. In this blog post I share my slides and samples.  Read more ...

OWIN decouples ASP.NET web application from a specific web server like IIS. At this year's dotnet Cologne conference I spent an hour speaking about the fundamental ideas of OWIN. Additionally, I showed how the OWIN concepts translate to ASP.NET 5. As this was a code-only talk, I recorded the sessions. In this post you find the video (German).  Read more ...

Today I do a session at Herbstcampus Nürnberg about changes in .NET’s 4.5 Base Class Library (BCL). Of course the primary topic is async programming as this is by far the most important change. As always I try to demonstrate not only the pure technology. I want to show practical examples about how you benefit from it in everyday life.  Read more ...

At Microsoft TechEd 2013 I do a session about Continuous Integration with Team Foundation Services and Windows Azure Websites. In this blog article you find the source code and a video of the sample.  Read more ...

Windows Azure Websites (WAWS) is a great PaaS service in Microsoft's Cloud Computing platform Windows Azure. It makes it very easy to create, run, and scale web sites or web APIs. The new Team Foundation Services integrate perfectly with WAWS and make it possible to setup a continuous integration environment in the cloud within minutes.  Read more ...

In cloud computing scenarios latencies between the application and database server are usually higher compared to an on premise scenario. With the rise of node.js I/O driven web hosts are becoming more familiar and ADO.Net 4.5 aids this by providing Async methods to I/O bound functions.   Read more ...

There are a lot of ways to improve performance in web applications. One of the simplest but most effective methods is to cache images on the client. In this article I would like to show how we implemented image caching for our DotNetNuke website.  Read more ...