Microsoft Azure Sales Training Resources

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 by Rainer Stropek

Tomorrow I will do another Microsoft Azure training for sales executives in Vienna. In this blog article I summarize the most important web resources I will mention during the training.

Sales Scenarios and Slides

During the training we will do sales scenario pitches in groups of two. Here you can download the case study document (German).

I covered most topics during the training with live demos. Here you can download the two slide decks I used during the training:

General Resources

Resources About Data Security and Compliance

Customers in the EU are sensitive to cloud and security. Microsoft has quite good resources that can help you answer your customers' security-related questions:

Slides and Demos

If you need slides, demos, or hands-on-labs for Microsoft Azure, you do not need to create them on your own. Use the following resources instead:


Pricing is very important for many customers. Here are some links where you can find Azure-related pricing information:

Time to Rock

When it is time to start or at least time to demo, here are the most important links to get going:

Stay Up to Date

Azure is developing rapidly. Staying up to date is a challenge. Here are some important links that you should put on your reading list:

  • Microsoft Azure Blog - subscribe to this blog and you will never miss important announcements about Azure again
  • ScottGu's Blog - Scott Guthrie is "Mr. Azure" at Microsoft so don't miss his blog posts

Technical Resources

If you are asked to provide some technical resources about Azure, the following links might be useful for you:

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