Time Cockpit Blog

Today I will do a session at German BASTA Conference about C# code quality. In this blog I want to share my slides and the samples I am using.  Read more ...

Gleich geht es auf der BASTA 2014 in Mainz auf die große Bühne für die Keynote. Hier eine Zusammenfassung einiger meiner Gedanken zum Thema neue Offenheit bei Microsoft.  Read more ...

At BASTA 2014 I will do a full-day C# workshop. One of the topics will be parallel and async programming. In this blog article I share the code of my demo and describe the scenario I will cover: TPL, async/await, profiling of CPU-bound algorithms.  Read more ...

At BASTA 2014 I will do a full-day C# workshop. One of the topics will be profiling. In this blog article I share the code of my demo and describe the scenario I will cover.  Read more ...

Tomorrow I will do a full-day workshop about C# at BASTA Germany. Over the years, the workshop has become a tradition and I am really looking forward to it. In this blog article I publish slides, code samples, and important links for attendees.  Read more ...

Tomorrow I will do another Microsoft Azure training for sales executives in Vienna. In this blog article I summarize the most important web resources I mention during the training.  Read more ...

Today will have a talk about OData at NRWConf conference in Wuppertal, Germany. It will be code-only talk so I thought it might be useful to provide some of the information I will cover in my session in a blog article. However, I have written quite some OData related article in my blog before. So this one has to be a bit different. I decided to answer some questions I regularly get when talking with people about OData.  Read more ...

AngularJS has become a very popular web development framework. Now that Telerik made Kendo UI open source, this framework is a possible alternative for many web developers. Learn about the differences and similarities.  Read more ...

I have already posted an end-to-end sample showing Visual Studio "Monaco" with TypeScript and AngularJS in the past. For an event in Graz (Austria) I created an additional sample showing how to use Git, Grunt, and Jasmine unit testing with "Monaco".  Read more ...

OData is based on REST but adds necessary standards for fully fledged data APIs. Metadata, URI-based query language, standardized data representation formats (JSON and XML), OData has it all. This is an introduction to OData. If you have never used OData and you wonder whether it is relevant for you, this talk could be interesting for you.  Read more ...