Fehler in der Signaldarstellung

Donnerstag, 8. Jänner 2015 by Rainer Stropek

Leider haben wir diese Woche einen unerfreulichen Fehler in time cockpit gefunden: im Jänner 2015 werden die Signalbahnen nicht dargstellt. Die Signaldetails auf der rechten Seite werden korrekt angezeigt, aber die Bahnen neben den Zeitbuchungen fehlen.

Wir haben den Fehler bereits im Full-Client und im Browser-Client korrigiert. Wir möchten  uns für alle Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen dadurch entstanden sind, entschuldigen. Wenn Sie Fragen zu dem Problem haben, zögern Sie nicht uns unter support@timecockpit.com zu kontaktieren.

Problem Description

This error occurs in all versions of time cockpit before 1.32.3362.7 (released yesterday). It is related to the selected month in the calendar. If you switch to December 2014, the signal lanes will be displayed correctly and in February 2015 they will work again.

The following image shows the problem (click to enlarge). While the signal details are displayed on the right, the signal lanes (orange rectangle) are missing.


We have already created a new time cockpit version that fixes the problem. You can download the new version from https://www.timecockpit.com/sign-in. We have also deployed an updated version of the browser client (https://login.timecockpit.com).

If you need to see the signal lanes for a specific day immediately without installing a new version, you can modify an existing time sheet entry e.g. by drag & drop. If no entry exists, create a new one first. After moving the time sheet entry, the signal lanes for the selected day will be loaded.

Root Cause

The technical root cause of the problem was a hash function used by time cockpit internally. It calculated identical hash values for particular dates. We found problematic date values e.g. in the years 2010, 2015, and 2025. We changed the implementation of time cockpit so that we can now handle duplicate hash values correctly.

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