Time Cockpit Blog

I regularly do talks about developing with Windows Azure Mobile Services, TypeScript, and AngularJS. Today I am speaker at the .NET user group in Vienna. For this talk I updated my sample to the latest version of AngularJS and TypeScript. Additionally I recorded the talk (German).  Read more ...

At BASTA 2014 Spring conference I will do a full-day C# workshop again. This time we have over 90 registrations, wow! This huge interest in the workshop is awesome. In this blog article I summarize important resources for the workshop. Use them to follow the samples or recall the topics after the workshop.  Read more ...

Yesterday we represented Microsoft and their Team Foundation Server in the Tools Challenge at the Software Quality Days 2014 in Vienna. The topic was Model Driven Development and Testing. The great news: We won :-) Read more about what we have demonstrated during the challenge.  Read more ...

Yesterday I was speaker at the Cloudconf 2013 in Berlin. My first session was about Windows Azure Websites. The second one was an introduction into Windows Azure Active Directory. I recorded the second session (German). Here it is.  Read more ...

I was part of a keynote panel for this year's WebTech Conference in Munich. We discussed the business value of the cloud. In this blog post you find the recording of the keynote.  Read more ...

Customers regularly hire me to do code reviews for software projects. Over the years I put together my personal checklist. In this blog article I share a summary of it with you. Note that the checklist is in German. However, the article contains a link to auto-translate it in English.  Read more ...

One of our partners, IT-Visions, invited me to speak at their VS2013/Win8.1 What's New event in Munich today. Of course I am happy to participate. During the session I will demo new features from VS2013, Windows Store app development, and Windows Azure Mobile Services.  Read more ...

Yesterday at the WebTech 2013 conference in Munich I did an interview with Corinna Kern from Software and Support Media. Here is the video (German).  Read more ...

Today I am here at the WebTech Conference in Munich speaking about cloud computing and web technologies. In this blog post you find some photos and links to the material that I will use during my sessions.  Read more ...

In the coming two weeks I will do a series of talks at various conferences in Austria and Germany. I will speak about AngularJS, TypeScript, and Windows Azure Mobile Services. In this blog post I publish the slides and the sample code.  Read more ...