Time Cockpit Blog

In this blog post, I would like to summarize a talk I gave at the JavaScript Day of the International PHP Conference in Berlin 2014. The idea of the talk is to demonstrate the power of NodeJS + TypeScript + AngularJS.  Read more ...

Yesterday was the day - the Global Windows Azure Bootcamp (GWAB) took place at > 135 locations all around the globe. We organized the Austrian GWAB in Leonding.  Read more ...

Next weekend I will be speaker at the SQL Server and .NET Developer Conference (SNEK) in Nürnberg (Germany). One of the talks will be focused on tools for .NET developers. In this blog article I summarize what I am going to show.  Read more ...

In this video I show an end-to-end example for programming with Visual Studio Online "Monaco". Monaco is currently in preview available for Windows Azure Websites. The sample uses TypeScript and AngularJS. Everything is done in the browser: Editing, compiling, package management, etc. The sample accesses an early prototype of the OData provider of time cockpit.  Read more ...

Because of a training I had to do recently, I took my existing PInvoke material and brought it up to date. Here are the slides. The samples have also been refreshed and I have put them into my GitHub repo.  Read more ...

At BASTA Spring 2014 I did a presentation about C# Scripting with Project Roslyn. Here you find the slides and the sample code.  Read more ...

At BASTA 2014 I gave an interview about the current state of the Microsoft Windows Azure Platform (German). Here you can watch it. I would love to hear your feedback.  Read more ...

At ALM Days my second talk is about unit testing with Microsoft Fakes, Stubs, and Shims. Here is the sample that I am going to use.  Read more ...

My ALM Days talk about building in the cloud went fine. However, the last demo didn't fully work and I finally ran out of time. That's the risk of a 100% live coding session. The reason was a small mistake that I made while standing on stage. Here is the description of the mistake. Hope it helps you to avoid doing the same.  Read more ...

At TechEd 2013 I did a talk about build in the cloud. For ALM Days next week, Microsoft invited me to do an updated version of this session. So I brought my samples up-to-date and switched to Git. In this blog post I describe what I will demo during the session.  Read more ...