Time Cockpit Blog

Time cockpit already offers extensive reporting functionality using SQL Server Reporting Services. With Reporting Services you can create your own nicely formatted reports that can be filled with your time cockpit data. However, there are rather advanced scenarios where the built-in reporting capabilities alone do not go far enough. Recently, we refactored a crucial report for one of our long-term customer. In this article we share the main challenges and how we solved them.   Read more ...

Ever heard about "pronation" or "supination"? If you have, you are probably a runner like myself. Over years, running shoe manufacturers have been emphasizing how important it is to analyze pronation of your foot and choose a proper shoe based on it - until studies showed that your shoe's pronation control is not connected to injury rates at all. "Pronation" was the running shoe industry's sacred cow. Do you have such "sacred cows" in your business, too? My advice: Never stop questioning them!  Read more ...

Technical optimization projects are part of our daily business in software development. Additionally, with time cockpit, we are often involved in projects for optimizing team performance and productivity. In this blog article I would like to summarize my learnings about what differentiates successful optimization projects from failures.  Read more ...

Recently, a customer with a heavily customized data model reported performance issues when loading lists of projects. The customer has around 80 users in his account and handles two separate organizations with time cockpit. Each year the users track about 40,000 time sheet entries. On that basis, the customer has custom reports for project controlling and HR.  Read more ...