Time Cockpit Blog

In the current version of time cockpit, there is a bug in the excel exporter when using conditional formatting in an excel template file. Precisely, when using a conditional format that spans a full row or column instead of a sub-region of a worksheet. The root cause of this is in the way that the [usually more than awesome] ClosedXML (http://closedxml.codeplex.com/) library handles ranges with covering all rows or all columns. In some of those cases, ClosedXML tries to apply something to every cell in that (semi-infinite) range.  Read more ...

Time cockpit can work online or offline. All changes are synchronized to a local database for offline use. For the next version (July 2013, 1.14) we have dramatically improved the performance when syncing large amounts of signal data, greatly reducing initial synchronization times for new users or devices.  Read more ...

Today one of our customers reported an issue that time cockpit's Silverlight client would not load on his computer. The fabulous thing about this: The customer solved the problem himself AND gave us the root of the cause. We definitely have the best customers in the world.  Read more ...

One of the key benefits of time cockpit is the customizability. A thing that is often requested but unfortunately still a bit difficult is hiding menu items depending on the current user.  Read more ...

We are happy to announce that time cockpit won the first place in the EuroCloud.Austria "startup" category. time cockpit will therefore compete in the European Awards.  Read more ...

The other day, a friend of mine asked me for a list containing the time he began work, when he went home, the hours he spent working and the seconds he was on break. At first I thought about implementing a python script to do it, but it turns out that our custom query language, TCQL, has enough power built-in to do it. We can therefore solve this by creating a list definition.  Read more ...

Lately we had a customer with a corrupted local database. Various source on the internet revealed that his is mostly related to power outs and blue screens. For time cockpit it becomes apparent when neither the signal tracker nor the time cockpit UI is able to start.  Read more ...

Today we had a potential customer having difficulites with the excel export. I agree that there are some rough edges and therefore some more explanation of how the excel export works: Basically there are two variants of exports: Templated and direct. Internally this corresponds to time cockpit reading an exisiting template or creating a default template from the entity type that is to be exported. Therefore I will only explain the templated version, because the non-templated version works the same, just that time cockpit generates a template for you instead of you specifying the template.  Read more ...