Time Cockpit Blog

Office 365 makes it quite easy to create add-ins using HTML and JavaScript. Time cockpit also offers an easy-to-use API for these web technologies. In this blog article I walk you through a short sample that demonstrates how to create an Outlook calendar add-in accessing time cockpit's project database.  Read more ...

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

If you want to play with a web api like the one from time cockpit, you need a tool to build and run web requests. You could use rather low-level tools like curl or Fiddler. Postman is an alternative with a much nicer UI and the possibility to store requests for later use.  Read more ...

This month we are announcing the next important step in our movement towards HTML and JavaScript: We present the first public preview of time cockpit's OpenID Connect endpoint for authentication and authorization. Additionally we have improved validation consistency and disabled SSL 3.0 support to prevent POODLE attacks.  Read more ...

Recently we got a question from a customer who wanted to access time cockpit's OData web API using Visual Studio 2013 and C#. We thought it would be a good idea to create a short video demonstrating how this is done because it might be interesting for other people, too.  Read more ...

For time cockpit we have decided to bet the farm on OData instead of a custom web api. PragmatiQa's XOData shows what you get for free because of time cockpit supporting OData.  Read more ...

Regularly, customers ask us how to send emails when certain things happen in time cockpit (e.g. project runs out of budget, user creates time sheet record for a month that has already been billed, etc.). In this blog post we show how this can be done with a few lines of script code and our OData Web API.  Read more ...

Agreed, data is what drives most businesses. However, having a lot of data at your disposal often does not give you much insight. Data gains value with its presentation. In this article, we explain how to set your data in a geographical context. We use Microsoft Excel, PowerPivot and PowerViewer to create an interactive map that lets you browse your data.  Read more ...

This month, we are very proud that we can publish the first public preview of a major keystone of our next generation web strategy: Say hello to time cockpit's new OData Web API.  Read more ...