Time Cockpit Blog

This month we launch our brand new time cockpit documentation portal. The existing one has served us well for many years but it was time for a change. The technology behind time cockpit's documentation portal has been revamped from scratch. The new system is convenient to use. Additionally, it greatly simplifies our process of writing documentation which will lead to more up-to-date information. In this blog post we highlight the most important features of our new portal.  Read more ...

Time cockpit has been using OpenID Connect based on IdentityServer for quite a while. Until recently, all our own clients and clients that our customers wrote used the implicit flow. A few weeks ago, a customer approached us who wanted to use hybrid flow. This month, we made the necessary changes to time cockpit to support this authentication scenario.  Read more ...

We have built time cockpit so that you can tailor it to your specific needs. The full client has had an Impersonation-feature since the early days of time cockpit. This month, we added support for impersonation to the HTML5 client, too. Read more about testing with impersonation in this article  Read more ...

I have been doing consulting and software development work for more than twenty years. Additionally, I speak about financial aspects of project management with lots of teams through the work we do with our flagship product time cockpit. Based on that experience I want to share some tips that can helped me to reduce discussions over invoices and billable hours.  Read more ...

In nearly every time cockpit implementation project, we have to integrate time cockpit with upstream and downstream systems like CRM, accounting, billing, etc. Additionally, customers want to automate workflows like handling working time violations or vacation requests. In the past, we typically used Azure WebJobs for that. Recently, Microsoft announced an improved successor: Azure Functions. In this blog article we introduce Azure Functions and show how they can be used with time cockpit.  Read more ...

The software business has been changing at a daunting speed in the last years. Technologies, programming languages, frameworks, project management approaches, etc. we use today have changed so much compared to e.g. five years ago. This is especially true if you are developing on Microsoft's technology stack (e.g. C#, .NET, Visual Studio, TypeScript, Azure) like we do. During workshops and trainings, I often get asked how I find the time to learn all these new technologies. In this blog article I would like to share some thoughts about this topic with you.  Read more ...

Time cockpit contains a powerful importer for Excel and CSV files. You might have already used it in time cockpit's full client. This month we added the Excel importer to the new HTML5 client. In this article we describe how it works.  Read more ...

It is true, there are lots of ways to get data in and out of time cockpit, the most advanced one being the OData Web API. Still, there are scenarios where an Excel import plays strong. First, you do not need to have any programming skills to import data. Time cockpit can generate an empty sample file. You just need to fill the file with your data and let time cockpit do the rest. And let’s be honest, Excel is ubiquitous and nearly everyone knows how to work with it. In this blog article I describe scenarios in which many time cockpit customers use our Excel importing feature.  Read more ...