Time Cockpit Blog

The calm summer months are the perfect time to work on some long intended, internal projects. This month, we finally found the time to fully automate our web deployment using VSTS Release Management. In this blog post we share our release process and its technical implementation using VSTS and Azure.  Read more ...

Extensibility is an important feature of time cockpit. In contrast to many of our competitors, we enable you to tailor time cockpit exactly to your needs. In this blog post, I want to focus on how you can add advanced custom logic using Python scripting. Python scripts are just text, so you can theoretically develop them in any text editor. However, when logic gets more complex, you need a more advanced development environment supporting syntax coloring, IntelliSense, debugging, unit testing, etc. Microsoft offers such an environment: Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS). It is free and it works with Microsoft’s free Visual Studio Community Edition. So, let us see how you can use PTVS to professionalize you Python scripting in time cockpit.  Read more ...

We at software architects adapt time cockpit to the needs of our customers every day. Most of our customers have well established processes or tools in place which drive their business. Time cockpit offers multiple options for integrating with upstream systems like Visual Studio Online (VSO), Jira, or Dynamics NAV. Today we want to describe how you can connect time cockpit to VSO using web hooks.  Read more ...

Last month we proudly launched the first public preview of the upcoming HTML5 client for time cockpit. When we started developing the new platform many months ago, we also decided that we had to rethink our entire build and operation processes. In this blog article I invite you to take a look behind the scenes of time cockpit web development. Additionally, I want to summarize our lessons learned.  Read more ...

Recently we got a question from a customer who wanted to access time cockpit's OData web API using Visual Studio 2013 and C#. We thought it would be a good idea to create a short video demonstrating how this is done because it might be interesting for other people, too.  Read more ...