Estimation Quiz - Results

Friday, August 30, 2013 by Rainer Stropek

Last month we published a quiz in which you can demonstrate your estimation skills. Our article proposed that most of us typically overestimate our knowledge. A lot of people took the test. Do you want to know the results? Here they are:

Until today, 78 people have been taking the test. The blue bars in the chart represent the number of people having the corresponding number of correct answers. Remember that the goal of the quiz was to answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly? Astonishing that not a single contestant managed to achieve this goal. The gray area in the chart shows the distribution of correct answers as it should be for 90% confidence.

What are the consequences?

We all need to practice our estimation skills. We should be careful about estimations in our daily project work and check the quality of our estimations retrospectively.

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