Successful Microsoft Certification of Time Cockpit

Thursday, January 22, 2015 by Rainer Stropek

Our company has been a Microsoft partner for many years. Each January, we have to renew our certifications. This year we managed to get two competencies. Microsoft is by far our most important technology partner. Therefore we are very happy about being part of the Microsoft Partner Program for another year.

Application Development Competency

The full client of our time tracking solution time cockpit has again successfully passed the Windows 8 Platform Ready test. The test verified that time cockpit respects the rules defined by Microsoft for being fully compatible with Windows 8.

Cloud Platform Competency

Our company was "born in the cloud". That means that we have been delivering all our software products as cloud-services (Software-as-a-Service, SaaS) from the very first day. By proving our knowledge through

  • customer references,
  • technical certifications of employees, and
  • practical Azure experience for many years,
we now managed to get the Cloud Platform certification in Microsoft's partner program.
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