We are Growing

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 by Rainer Stropek

2014 has been a successful year for our company. We could raise our revenue to a new all-time record, enlarge our team, and formalize our long-lasting partnership with our friends at softaware.

2014 Results

Last year, we could raise our revenue to well over 560k€ (+7% compared to 2013). We are especially proud of this result as we could at the same time reach both of our strategic goals for 2014: significantly raise product-related revenue and make strong investments in the HTML5 client of time cockpit.

Focusing on software-as-a-service (SaaS), website traffic is an important KPI for us. We have seen solid growth in that area both on our product-related site and on our developer-targeted blog compared to 2013. This directly resulted in a higher number of time cockpit trials. We could keep the conversion rate on the same level as 2013 (actually we have a slight plus there, too) and could therefore strongly expand the number of paid time cockpit users (+85% compared to 2013).

Team Growth

Supporting our customers so that they can successfully implement and run time cockpit in their companies is very important for us. Therefore we enlarged our team in 2014 by an additional time cockpit and Cockpit Framework (CoFX) expert.

One of the results of the bigger team has been that our previous office became too small. So we moved into a new office in 2014 which gives us enough room to grow further.

Softaware Partnership

We have been working together with our partner softaware for many years now. Roman Schacherl, Daniel Sklenitzka, and their team have become valuable friends of us. Together we decided that we want to formalize our partnership. In January, we acquired a share of 7.5% of softaware. Both companies will stay 100% independent with separate leadership teams. However, the investment should make our strong partnership visible to customers and other partners.

While our strategy is to focus on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products and components, softaware’s passion is the creation of outstanding custom solution based on Microsoft technologies. Therefore our product portfolios perfectly complements each other.

2015 Outlook

In 2015, we want to continue to grow our revenue. However, maximizing it is not in our focus. While being cutting-edge in technology, sustainability is our main goal in terms of the financial development of our company.

Product-wise, bringing our HTML5 client into production will be our main target in 2015. Besides that, we have some functional additions to time cockpit in mind, which we will present in the course of the next few months. Want to stay up to date? We would be very happy if you subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

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