Time Cockpit at Road to the Cloud Event

Friday, February 13, 2015 by Rainer Stropek

Image source: https://flic.kr/p/fyLSSK, Creative Commons License

Yesterday, I was speaker at Microsoft's Road to the Cloud event in Vienna. Microsoft invited me to speak about our learnings from five years time cockpit in the cloud. It was great to see how interested people were about discussing business aspects of cloud computing.

A big thank you to Christian Nagel, owner of CN innovation, for organizing this event.

Cloud Computing Models: Private, Public and Hybrid

My first session was about how to choose the right cloud computing model (private cloud, hosting, public cloud, etc.). Here is my slide deck:

Cloud Business and Cost Models

It was originally planned that Gerd Saurer from Microsoft Austria should do this session. However, Gerd could not participate because of private reasons. As this topic is important for me, I jumped in and did the talk. I hope that people liked my content although I did not have much time to prepare. Here is my slide deck:

Case Study

In the closing session, Christian and I talked a little bit about how we use the Azure cloud for our own products. I used some of the content I preprepared for my recent talk at the German OOP conference.

If you are interested in learning about how we use the cloud for Application Lifecycle Management, you can find the related content in this blog post (including sample video).


Before the event I took some photos. You can find them in my Flickr album.

Did You Like My Talks?

Feel free to use the discussion area below to tell me whether you liked my sessions at the Road to the Cloud event. You can also ask questions. I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.

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