Time Cockpit Blog

Time tracking has a bad reputation. Nobody likes to account for how exactly she is spending her working time. Developers want to code instead of struggling with administrative tasks like filling out their time sheet. In my opinion, this attitude is wrong. Granted, we build software for time tracking so the topic is naturally near to my heart. Independently, I really believe that a good time tracking practice can solve a big problem for many developers: It can help getting rid of hated technical debts.  Read more ...

Like most people, I have often been struggling with my email inbox. From time to time I tried to catch up with inbox but within days I reached the same mess as before. Finally, the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen was the trigger to change my habits. There was one advice that changed my way of working: Free your mind and collect everything externally.  Read more ...

A few months ago I wrote a blog article about the concept of "Shearing Layers" in architecture and software development. I submitted a longer, German version of the article for OBJEKTspektrum, a well-known German magazine about IT management and software engineering. It was accepted and is included in this month's issue. For a limited amount of time it is also available online.  Read more ...