Hotfix for Tablet PCs

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 by Karin Huber

On tablet pc's and on pc's which have the service 'Tablet PC Input Service' activated the following exception may occur when viewing a list:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.EnsureChildren()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateChildrenInternal(Int32 invalidateLimit)
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.UpdateSubtree()
   at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.fireAutomationEvents()
   at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout()
   at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayoutCallback(Object arg)

In our next version 1.4 that will be released in october, this error will be solved.

If you need a solution for this error earlier you might install version 1.3.1. Before you install the new version, you will have to uninstall the currently installed version on your pc.

Versions 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible and are able to sync with one another. If you are using a previous version of time cockpit and want to upgrade to 1.3.1 all other devices and users in your account will have to upgrade to 1.3 or 1.3.1 too.

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