What's New in Version June 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013 by Karin Huber

Get Your Location History with Google Latitude™

In time cockpit version June 2013 we introduce a new signal type for locations. We use the Google Latitude™ location service as the source for location data. If you allow time cockpit to access your Google Latitude™ account, time cockpit displays your location history in the signal details bar on the right side. This enables time cockpit users to easily create time sheet records for business travels and customer visits retrospectively.

Locations Signals for Easier Time Tracking

The line chart below the map shows the distance from the first location in the selected time range. This is typically your home or the office from where you started your travel. In the sample shown above you see a day with a journey from our office in Linz to the Microsoft office in Vienna in the morning and back home in the evening. Zoom in the map to get your exact location in Vienna so you will immediately know the customer you have been working at. You can select the time span you have spent on site at the customer and create a new time sheet entry.

Getting Started

To get started create a Google Latitude™ account or add Google Latitude™ to your existing Google account and track your location with your mobile phone. You do not have to share your location with others to use your location history in time cockpit. Get instructions to configure Google Latitude™ for your Android phone. For iPhone® you can download a Google Latitude client application from iTunes®. For Windows Phone you can download the gMaps app from the Windows Phone Store.

You can find more information about location signals in the time cockpit documentation.

Beta Version

With the June 2013 version of time cockpit, the location feature reaches the public beta phase. Please note that the location feature is currently only available in time cockpit's full client. It is not yet available in time cockpit's browser client.

Although we have already tested the location feature thoroughly ourselves and we have received feedback from some early adopters, we would really welcome any additional feedback. Is the new location feature useful? How could we further enhance it to make it even easier for you to create your time sheets for your travels? Please send your feedback to office@timecockpit.com. We would love to hear from you!

Other Changes

Tabs where Cut Off in Forms

When a form contained lots of tabs, they were cut off when they were broader then the form. Now, the tabs are aligned in multiple rows if there is not enough space in one row.

TFS Signal Tracker Error Messages

You will now receive better error messages if the configuration of the TFS signal tracker is not correct.

Settings in the Silverlight Client

Settings like the selected formatting profile, the selected device, the width of the left and the right bar in the time sheet calendar, the selected view (day, week or month) and much more were saved in the isolated storage of Silverlight. This did work for one single version, but each time we deployed a new Silverlight version of time cockpit all settings were lost. Now we save your settings in the Windows Azure Blob Store, so your data is kept across versions.


This version of time cockpit is compatible with all versions down to March 2013 (1.10). When you are using at least version 1.10 at the moment, you can upgrade to the new version without affecting other users in your account. If you are using an older version at the moment, you need to be a time cockpit administrator to upgrade your account to the new version and time cockpit will show you a warning before performing the update.

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