What's New in Version July 2015

Tuesday, June 30, 2015 by Karin Huber

The new version July 2015 (1.38) is downwards compatible to version March 2013 (1.10) and later. You can use all of these versions in a single account simultaneously.

.NET 4.5 for Time Cockpit's Full Client

Time cockpit's is largely based on Microsoft's .NET Framework. This month we finished the migration of time cockpit's full client to the latest stable .NET version 4.5. Unfortunately this will not directly lead to new possibilities for you as an end user. However, this change enables us to be more productive and deliver even better value in upcoming product releases.

Beside the switch to .NET 4.5 we also fixed some minor bugs in the Full Client and in the Silverlight Client.

HTML5 Time Tracking Calendar

Of course we invested time in the new HTML5 calendar, too. This month we have added a much requested feature: creating new time sheet entries with the mouse using drag & drop. The following image shows how this new UI feature works:

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