Time Cockpit Blog

Windows Azure Websites (WAWS) is a great PaaS service in Microsoft's Cloud Computing platform Windows Azure. It makes it very easy to create, run, and scale web sites or web APIs. The new Team Foundation Services integrate perfectly with WAWS and make it possible to setup a continuous integration environment in the cloud within minutes.  Read more ...

SaaS is an important trend in the software industry. In this presentation Rainer Stropek from time cockpit speaks about typical challenges that software vendors have to solve to successfully transfer from the classical licensing-based model to a SaaS strategy.  Read more ...

In cloud computing scenarios latencies between the application and database server are usually higher compared to an on premise scenario. With the rise of node.js I/O driven web hosts are becoming more familiar and ADO.Net 4.5 aids this by providing Async methods to I/O bound functions.   Read more ...

At BASTA Austria 2012 I did a workshop about parallel and async programming in C#. In this blog article you find the material (slides)  Read more ...

At BASTA Austria 2012 I did a session about TypeScript. I introduced the new language and showed demos in the browser (with jQuery, require.js, etc.) and on the server (with node.js).  Read more ...

During BASTA Austria I have been asked a WPF question. How can I implement a confirmation question that is asked whenever a user checks a CheckBox?  Read more ...

In this article you can view the slides for my WPF & Prism Workshop at BASTA Austria. Additionally you can download the sample code.  Read more ...

On October 25th 2012 I did a session at the Azure user group in Brussels about "Catching The Long Tail With SaaS + Windows Azure". Here you find the slides and the link to the recordings.  Read more ...

I am currently writing an article about TypeScript for the upcoming issue of the German Windows.Developer magazine. It contains a larger code sample demonstrating some key concepts of the new language.   Read more ...

Third-party .net assemblies can be easily used from IronPython. If the external assembly relies on a companion .exe.config/app.config file, a config for ipy.exe or an IInternalConfigSystem-implementation is required.  Read more ...