Time Cockpit Blog

On May 17th I did a workshop on parallel programming at parallel 2013 conference in Karlsruhe. The attendees asked me to publish some of the live coding samples I did. In this blog you can find the samples.  Read more ...

Quite a while ago - still working with Rarebyte - I was designing a class library for game related stuff. Naively ensured that OOP was the only real solution to scaling software, we did a lot of (multiple) inheritance and packed stuff into the library, most of what we never needed anyhow. At one point the question came up on how this was implemented and if we actually knew what this (multiple inheritance especially) meant to the data structures. With self-competence I garbled something about function pointers and tables and a hidden pointer in every object etc. What it meant exactly, I didn't know.  Read more ...

This year at dotnet Cologne I have proposed a 60 minutes live-coding talk about async/await. It was really accepted and I even got the large ballroom. Wow, live coding in front more than 100 developers. This will be awesome. In this blog I post the sample that I am going to develop on stage.  Read more ...

Last week I did a workshop for a customer on agile software development and scrum. In this blog post I publish the slides that I have used.  Read more ...

For a Microsoft event we have been hired to do a full-day workshop about news in Visual Studio 2012 for C++ developers. The workshop took place at Microsoft's Innovation Center in Vienna last Friday. In this blog article you find the slides and the samples that I have used in the workshop  Read more ...

At the BASTA Spring 2013 conference I had a session about developing custom OData providers. In this blog article I summarize the most important take aways and publish the source code.  Read more ...

Auf der BASTA 2013 Spring Konferenz habe ich einen ganztägigen Workshop zum Thema C# mit Schwerpunkt auf parallele und asynchrone Programmierung gehalten. In diesem Blogartikel gibt es die Slides und Samples zum Download.  Read more ...

I had the chance to do two sessions at Microsoft MVP Summit 2013 in Redmond/Bellevue. In this blog article I share the thoughts + code of my second talk about Windows Azure Websites.  Read more ...

I had the opportunity to do two sessions at MVP Summit 2013 in Redmond/Bellevue. The first one covered TypeScript. In this blog article I summarize my main points and share the demo code.  Read more ...

In September 2012 I did a session on Microsoft Windows Azure's Table Storage at the Professional .NET 2012 Community Conference in Vienna. In this blog post I would like to publish the video of the talk as well as the sample code I presented during the session.  Read more ...