Time Cockpit Blog

Even though our core dev team is quite small, time cockpit's code base has grown quite a bit. It has grown in such a way, that having all of the code in one solution file and working with it from a day-to-day basis is not a feasible solution. As we have three different areas we work on, Data Layer (DL), Signal Trackers (ST) and the User Interface (UI) itself, we have created seperated solutions for each area. This would work fine just as it is, but the problem is, that ST depends on DL and the UI depends on the ST and DL Layers.  Read more ...

Tomorrow I will do a power workshop about C# 4 at BASTA Spring 2011 in Darmstadt.  Read more ...

Beside working on time cockpit I also do some consulting work regarding .NET in general and the Microsoft Windows Azure Platform in particular. In that context I had the chance to work as a coach in an Azure evaluation project at Austria's leading real estate search engine. Based on the research we did in this project I came up with the idea to build a custom OData provider that optimizes the way that real estate search requests are handled. It shows how sharding can be used in Winodws Azure to massively improve performance while raising costs moderately. In this blog post I would like to show you the architecture of the solution. You will see how I have built the provider and how the possibilities of the Windows Azure platform helped me to create an elastic solution that is able to handle high loads.  Read more ...

We have been experimenting with automated testing of our services against windows azure lately. Our goal was to deploy a service in the build process, run a unit test, and then undeploy the process. Assuming that you have a hosted service ready (something.cloudapp.net) and a solution with a unit test running locally against a service (running locally, when executing the unit test, there are a few steps one needs to take in order to test against an azure-deployed instance of this.  Read more ...

Today I will present about testing and build automation with the Windows Azure platform at the Advanced Developer Conference in Munich.  Read more ...

Today I will do a workshop about the Windows Azure Platform at OOP 2011. In this blog post I want to summarize the most important resources that I have used in the workshop.  Read more ...

This week I will be one of the speakers at BASTA On Tour in Munich. One of the topics I am going to speak about is the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). In this blog post I want to share my slides and summarize the hands-on labs that I am going to go through with the participants.  Read more ...

This week I will be one of the speakers at BASTA On Tour in Munich. One of the topics I am going to speak about is the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). In this blog post I want to share my slides and summarize the hands-on labs that I am going to go through with the participants.  Read more ...

This week I will be one of the speakers at BASTA On Tour in Munich. One of the topics I am going to speak about is the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). In this blog post I want to share my slides and summarize the hands-on labs that I am going to go through with the participants.  Read more ...

This week I will be one of the speakers at BASTA On Tour in Munich. One of the topics I am going to speak about is code documentation with Sandcastle. In this blog post I want to share my slides and summarize the hands-on labs that I am going to go through with the participants.  Read more ...